Vote Honeypot in the Charity Film Awards!

Honeypot's It's About Time video has been nominated for the Charity Film Awards!

(You will have to register an account which takes only a minute.)

Once you've voted for Honeypot, please share the link with your friends and family, or on social media to encourage as many people to vote Honeypot!

You can view our It's About Time video below. It follows the life of young carer Jaiden as he splits his time between caring for his mother, going to school, and then coming on a Honeypot respite break.

We only have till 1st December, so don't delay! Vote now, and vote Honeypot!

Thank you for voting!


The Charity Film Awards

The Charity Film Awards celebrate the success of film in fundraising, to increase exposure of charity films and to encourage donations for good causes.